Health, Safety, Environment and Quality

Challenge Complacency

During 2022’s National Safe Work Month, On Tap Services held a Safety Slogan competition. The winning slogan ‘Challenge Complacency’ was chosen for a number of reasons. This slogan resonated well with the direction of the company’s safety culture and our endeavour for continuous improvement.

We have integrated this slogan in all we do. It ties in seamlessly with our Seven Critical Risks and provides On Tap Services with a platform to always remember to never be complacent.


Through our management systems, we continuously strive to meet our responsibilities for work health and safety, quality assurance and environmental protection. Our main priority is to maintain a strong company culture where workers go home from work each and every day safe and sound.

With safety being of utmost importance to us, we have imbedded Seven Critical Risks specific to On Tap Services. These Critical Risks are risks that, if not properly controlled, have the potential to result in a serious incident. On Tap Services have identified the below Critical Risks based on experience within the company and across the industries in which we operate. Each Critical Risks have appropriate controls and non-negotiables to ensure the likelihood of a serious incident occurring is eliminated or reduced as far as reasonable practicable.


Challenge Complacency

During 2022’s National Safe Work Month, On Tap Services held a Safety Slogan competition. The winning slogan ‘Challenge Complacency’ was chosen for a number of reasons. This slogan resonated well with the direction of the company’s safety culture and our endeavour for continuous improvement.

We have integrated this slogan in all we do. It ties in seamlessly with our Seven Critical Risks and provides On Tap Services with a platform to always remember to never be complacent.


Through our management systems, we continuously strive to meet our responsibilities for work health and safety, quality assurance and environmental protection. Our main priority is to maintain a strong company culture where workers go home from work each and every day safe and sound.

With safety being of utmost importance to us, we have imbedded Seven Critical Risks specific to On Tap Services. These Critical Risks are risks that, if not properly controlled, have the potential to result in a serious incident. On Tap Services have identified the below Critical Risks based on experience within the company and across the industries in which we operate. Each Critical Risks have appropriate controls and non-negotiables to ensure the likelihood of a serious incident occurring is eliminated or reduced as far as reasonable practicable.


Electrical Safety

Entering and working in a roof space, de-engineering & isolation of LV power, working in live installations, electric shock callouts, working near underground electrical services, working new overhead electrical services.


Working at Heights

Working on a roof, ladder use, operation of EWP, using material filter.


Plant & Equipment

Movement of mobile plant, operation of hydro jetter, operation of quickcut saw, use of angle grinder.


Vehicle / Driving Safety

Driving between jobs, long journeys/trips, transporting equipment and materials, towing equipment/plant.


Hazardous Atmospheres & Material

Confined space entry, use of hazardous substances, hot works, removal/disturbance of ACM, working with biological matter/material.


Excavation Works

Mechanical excavation, hand digging excavation, working in/around excavation 1.5m or more in depth.


Psychological Hazards

Employee and tenant interaction, employee & public interaction, working at correctional facilities, general work practices, after hour works.

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